Thursday, May 25, 2017


Students may use notes, but must be done by the end of the period.

5/31-6/5 Sports Project

Sports History                                     SPORTS  PRESENTATION—Group Project

Group Size = 4 or less
Sport chosen by lottery, but lottery also determines Presentation Order.
Objective: To Describe a Sport played in the U.S. in detail.  Descriptions must include the basic rules, brief history of the sport, and a profile of the greatest Coaches and Players.

Topic:                                    ____________________________
Written Outline of the Presentation                                                                                 ________/10
History of the Sport (Minimum 5 slides.  Major Milestones)                                     ________/15
Profile of Great Coaches and Players and why they were great                                 ________/15
                Minimum of 10 great players and 5 great Coaches (1 slide and 1 pt. Each)
                                On Time                                                                                                ________/5
                                Well Prepared/ Acceptable Work                                                     ________/5
                                All members speak and know their material                                  ________/10

Total for the Project:                                                                                                       _________/60

Due on 6/5

5/15-26 Olympics

EQ: Explain how the Olympics go beyond traditional sport and are used as Geopolitical Tools.

Owens Write Up--The Race
Pre Write Up--Pre
Miracle--Miracle Write-up

5/8-12 Horse Racing and Horse Racing Quiz


Horse Racing Quiz

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

5/1-5 Horse Racing

Horse Racing Lecture


Topics Covered:

Great Depression.
Overcoming Odds.
How Horse Racing Works.
Triple Crown.
East Coast Bias.


4/12-26 Golf

Lecture on Golf (w/ Cornell Notes)

The Greatest Game---Vardon and Ouimet

Golfer Project and Presentations

Golf Journal Writes

Golf Quiz