Monday, April 10, 2017

4/10 Basketball Final

Basketball Quiz

Geography Packet Due.

Intro to Golf

4/3-7 College Basketball

Bracket Check

U.S Geography

College Basketball and breaking the color line---Glory Road

Glory Road Follow-Up Questions:
1. What was the importance of the Western Texas team in 1965-6?
2. What were hardships that the Coach(es) had to endure before, during, and after the season?
3. Same question as #2 except from the players perspective.
4. Evaluate Coach Rupp.  How much was his not accepting black players his fault?
5. Describe how you feel about this statement---"Basketball has done more to achieve equality of the races than any other sport. "

3/20-22 Magic and Bird

Pro Game--Issues of Race and Pro Basketball

Venn Diagram--Magic and Bird

3/13-17 High School Basketball

Academics and Sports---The issue of Race and Basketball

Coach Carter Q's