Friday, November 15, 2013

11/12-14 Bear Bryant & the Junction Boys

The Junction Boys
Terms/Character List
* Paul "Bear" Bryant
* Skeet Chaney
* Johnny Haynes
* Claude Gearhardt--
* Smokey Harper
Thought Question---Time to Think
Though the camp at Junction was by Coach Bryant's own admission "the worst mistake in my coaching career", it was not all that different than what other programs were doing at the time.

1) What events and attitudes led to this? Think about America and Sports in America in the 1940s and 1950s.

2) Why do you think Coach Bryant viewed Junction as a mistake? What were overall conditions like that led to this being a mistake.

11/6-8 Rudy

Short Essay Questions.

1. Look for how football shapes the life of the hero, obstacles ?he has to overcome, lessons to be learned.

2. Select 3 main issues Rudy dealt with in his life. Discuss ?these issues, with specific examples from the movie, in an ?essay.

Unit #2 Journal #3

What are intrinsic and extrinsic rewards NOT ?FOUND on the field of competition that an ?athlete receives from participation in college ?athletics?

11/4-5 Passion and Pageantry of College Football