Tuesday, December 13, 2016

12/16 College Football Exam

College Football Exam
Bowl Challenge Due

Extra Credit for over Christmas Break looks like this:

Extra Credit Project:

* Research a person, place or thing that is important to the history of sports in America. After researching, for 25 pts. you may do one of the following:

A. Write a two-three page paper explaining what this topic is about. Explain why knowledge of this topic is important to understanding the period 1946-1995.

B. Write a 1 page summary (including a bibliography) and do a 15 slide PPT.

C. Write a 1 page summary (including a bibliography) and make a poster or diorama of the topic.

A bibliography is necessary to validate your research. (2 Sources Minimum)
An informal presentation to the class on the date which we return 

For 15 pts. you may do one of the following:

1. Watch a historical movie or documentary about a sports topic (do not use a movie from the class) and write up a review (1-2 pages typed).
2. Read an article from a newspaper or periodical that is significant and write up a summary (with article attached)---1 to 2 pages typed.

12/14 College Football Review

Sternberg Article Summary Due

Bowl Challenge---The $ side of sports---learning about lines and betting while picking the winners in a fun Bowl Challenge.

These two websites are helpful in figuring out how to pick the winner.  On your sheet--include the line by  + the favorite and - the underdog.




Victory Viewed

Review for Exam on Friday

12/12 Sternberg Article

Sternberg Article
A. Read and Mark the Text.

B. Explain the 13 pluses of competitive sports in college according to the article.
Summarize the 3 caveats to these pluses

C. Analysis Question:
How do the remarks found in this article reinforce the importance and place of college athletics in the overall focus of an University?

Due on 12/14

12/7-12 Heisman Trophy and Race

Heisman Trophy History and Worksheet (Worksheet Due on 12/12)

The Ernie Davis Story  "The Express"

11/30-12/5 Bear Bryant--Against the Tide

Thorpe and Rockne Articles and Summary Write:

Essential Question :

Explain the importance of this person from a historical perspective and their importance to the development of the sport.

Begin Bear Bryant Study and the Video---Against the Tide

11/28 History of Football Intro

Lecture Notes and Notes off of Handout.

Rivalry Games