Tuesday, December 13, 2016

12/16 College Football Exam

College Football Exam
Bowl Challenge Due

Extra Credit for over Christmas Break looks like this:

Extra Credit Project:

* Research a person, place or thing that is important to the history of sports in America. After researching, for 25 pts. you may do one of the following:

A. Write a two-three page paper explaining what this topic is about. Explain why knowledge of this topic is important to understanding the period 1946-1995.

B. Write a 1 page summary (including a bibliography) and do a 15 slide PPT.

C. Write a 1 page summary (including a bibliography) and make a poster or diorama of the topic.

A bibliography is necessary to validate your research. (2 Sources Minimum)
An informal presentation to the class on the date which we return 

For 15 pts. you may do one of the following:

1. Watch a historical movie or documentary about a sports topic (do not use a movie from the class) and write up a review (1-2 pages typed).
2. Read an article from a newspaper or periodical that is significant and write up a summary (with article attached)---1 to 2 pages typed.

12/14 College Football Review

Sternberg Article Summary Due

Bowl Challenge---The $ side of sports---learning about lines and betting while picking the winners in a fun Bowl Challenge.

These two websites are helpful in figuring out how to pick the winner.  On your sheet--include the line by  + the favorite and - the underdog.




Victory Viewed

Review for Exam on Friday

12/12 Sternberg Article

Sternberg Article
A. Read and Mark the Text.

B. Explain the 13 pluses of competitive sports in college according to the article.
Summarize the 3 caveats to these pluses

C. Analysis Question:
How do the remarks found in this article reinforce the importance and place of college athletics in the overall focus of an University?

Due on 12/14

12/7-12 Heisman Trophy and Race

Heisman Trophy History and Worksheet (Worksheet Due on 12/12)

The Ernie Davis Story  "The Express"

11/30-12/5 Bear Bryant--Against the Tide

Thorpe and Rockne Articles and Summary Write:

Essential Question :

Explain the importance of this person from a historical perspective and their importance to the development of the sport.

Begin Bear Bryant Study and the Video---Against the Tide

11/28 History of Football Intro

Lecture Notes and Notes off of Handout.

Rivalry Games

Monday, November 7, 2016

11/7-11/14 Franchise Project

Sports History—
Franchise Project #1  (Baseball)

Objective: To trace the origins of a major professional sports franchise to discover the following:
A. History of the Franchise
B. History of the Ballpark used by the team.
C. The players who would make up the Ring of Honor for the Franchise.(At least 5 with bios/profiles included)
D. Watershed years in the Franchise (Titles Won, Major moves, Major Trades, etc…)
E. The estimated Financial Worth of the club and who the owner(s) is.  Plus what the estimated cost is to the fan for season tickets—individual game tickets.
F. Modern History of the Team—Conference/League Season Standings, Off-season acquisitions and/or trades, Rumors of Moves, current players that are All Stars or noteworthy, etc.

In a minimum10 pt. Powerpoint presentation, you will formally present your franchise to the class.  Included in your slides are points A-F in the objectives about your Franchise.    All objective points are worth 5 points.  Accuracy and Delivery are worth 20 pts. (50 pts. Total)

Franchises will be chosen by Random Selection with a first picked, first presented format.


11/2-11/7 SABR

Money Ball and SABR metrics....

Moneyball Questions
Answer in complete sentences.
1. What was Beane's rationale for changing the way that the A's drafted players and put their team together?
2. Who were people who challenged Beane's decision to use Bill James' strategy and  sabremetrics with the A's?
3. Why does Billy say that baseball won't respect them until they win a championship using sabremetrics (2004 by the Red Sox)?
4. How does Billy's background make him more open to trying new ideas?
5. Why does Billy not move to the Red Sox?
6. Scott Hatteberg 7. Peter Brandt (Paul DePodesta)  8.David Justice
9. Art Howell 10. Michael Lewis

10/24-31 Race in Baseball

Race in Baseball
Google Classroom Assignment

Soul of the Game Wkst.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10/21 Gilded Age and Early Baseball EXAM

Gilded Age and Early Baseball EXAM

Intro to Race and Baseball

10/17 Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth and other early Baseball Greats

Babe Ruth Video

Progressive Era Wkst. Due.

Review for Gilded Age Exam

10/10-12 Commission System--Progressive Era

Finish 8 MEN OUT---Questions on how Landis used the scandal to gain power as the commissioner.

Commission System----Progressive Era Wkst......

10/7 8 MEN OUT

10/5 Gilded Age

Gilded Age Packets Due---(In Class)

Inning 2 Burns Notes

Scandal in Baseball---8 men out

Monday, October 3, 2016

10/3 Induction into the Hall of Fame and Packet Work

Chrome Books Induction into the Hall of Fame.

Packet Work

9/30 Inning 2

Inning 2--merger of Baseball and the World Series

Blue Packet on Industrial Revolution in the U.S.

9/28 Industrial Rev. and Development of Baseball

Industrial Revolution Notes and Time to work on the Packet (Reading and Inquiry)

Organization of the Gilded Age

Inning 1 Clip

9/26 Industrial Revolution and Baseball

Notes on Early Baseball History---Knickerbocker Baseball Club and Alexendar Cartwright
Begin Burns Inning 1

9/23 Early Sports/Sports Development Quiz

9/23 Popular Participation in Sports

Read/Mark the Text--Of Popular Participation of Sport.

Review Sports Development History----Kahoot It.

9/19 Article Review

Syllabus Due
Opinion Paper on Schooled Due

Article Review--due on Wednesday 9/21.  Research an article and use the blue sheet to review the sports article from the chromebook research or other source....

9/16 Early Sports Development

Notes in Class on Early Sports Development

9/14 Schooled Paper

Finish Schooled and Write a 5 paragraph Opinion Paper on the following:

Discuss 3 reasons why or why not college athletes should get paid.  Be specific in your answers through research or direct citations from the video.

Due on 9/19

9/12 Goals for Sports

Take the Goal Sheet Home and Have parents fill it out.  Compare their results to your own....

Schooled--The Price of College Athletics

Friday, September 9, 2016

9/9 Prehistory and Issues in Sports Day 1

Get Organized

Sport Prehistory---
Read the Write-up and Take Cornell Notes
Go over --Lecture.

Things to Know:
1. Name 2 reasons why sport participation declined in the Middle Ages
2. Name 3 reasons why sport flourished in industrialized nations
3. Explain how sport and social class go together.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

3/15 Basketball Final

Coach Carter --Video Questions

1.Why does Coach Carter insist that his players call him, and
their team-mates, “sir” plus no using the N word?
2.What are some of the conditions of the contract players must sign?
3. Why does Coach Carter lock-out the players from the gym?
4.What message does Coach Carter say will be sent to the players if the lock-out is lifted?
5.Describe what generally happens to Richmond students after high school and why Coach Carter is so adamant about the lock-out until academics improve?
6. What happens after the players' grade improve?

7. In a strong paragraph--explain how Harry Edwards and Coach Carter are similar in their message.
Basketball Final


Extra Credit for over Spring Break opportunities:

Extra Credit Project:

* Research a person, place or thing that is important to the history of sports in America. After researching, for 25 pts. you may do one of the following:

A. Write a two-three page paper explaining what this topic is about. Explain why knowledge of this topic is important to understanding the period 1946-1995.

B. Write a 1 page summary (including a bibliography) and do a 15 slide PPT.

C. Write a 1 page summary (including a bibliography) and make a poster or diorama of the topic.

A bibliography is necessary to validate your research. (2 Sources Minimum)
An informal presentation to the class on the date which we return 

For 15 pts. you may do one of the following:

1. Watch a historical movie or documentary about a sports topic (do not use a movie from the class) and write up a review (1-2 pages typed).
2. Read an article from a newspaper or periodical that is significant and write up a summary (with article attached)---1 to 2 pages typed.

3/10-14 Basketball and Academics

Coach Carter
Overheads of Richmond, CA and their educational system.

Review of Pro Odds.

Harry Edwards and the black athlete

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/1-8 Basketball Project

I. Civil Rights Post Test

Sports History—
Player Project #1  (Basketball)

Objective: To trace the origins of a major professional basketball player to discover the following:
A.     Biography of the Player
B.     Watershed years for the player in the sport.
C.     Why this player should be acknowledged as a great in basketball
Stats, Rule Changes, Position changes, etc.
D.     Modern History of the Player—Where are they now..

In a minimum 9 pt. Powerpoint presentation, you will formally present your player to the class.  Included in your slides are points A-D in the objectives about your player.   

The project will be scored for accuracy and the visual representation of the powerpoint---but the primary evaluation will be the speech itself.

Players will be chosen by Random Selection with a first picked, first presented format.

2/25 College Basketball and Race

Explain the Importance of the UTEP 1966 National Championship in a 5 paragraph essay Due on 3/1

2/23 Civil Rights Worksheet

Civil Rights Matching Worksheet and Lecture
UTEP Basketball

2/22 Civil Rights DBQ

Civil Rights DBQ in today's world---Missouri Football Players

College Basketball and Civil Rights

2/18 Civil Rights and Sports

Civil Rights and Sports Wkst.

College Basketball and Race

Glory Days

2/16 Bird and Magic

Friday, February 12, 2016

2/11 NBA History--Race and Basketball

Pretest on Civil Rights

NBA History ---Issues confronting the NBA in the 1970s
(Merger, racial conflict, drug use, tv ratings, attendance, franchises forced to move cities)
These issues led to a reality of the league not making it.

Enter Bird and Magic

2/9 Naismith Article

Naismith Article:
Intro---The 5 W’s of Basketball
1.      Who created basketball?
2.      What game was basketball based on?
3.      Where was it created?
4.      When was it created?
5.      Why was it created?

6.      What items were used for the first basketball game?
7.      Why was 1936 an important year for basketball?
8.      Describe in a short paragraph Naismith’s view of racial discrimination. 
9.      What did he do to encourage change?
10.   Why do you think Naismith was not passionate about financial wealth?

2/2-8 Bellfountain Bells and Hoosier

Articles and Hoosiers Video

Hoosiers Q's

Hoosiers Wkst.

1.Jimmy Chitwood            2.Norman Dale   3.James Naismith                             4.1937 Bellfountain Bells                     5.Myra Fleener
6. George Mikan                7. Bobby Plump  8. Shooter Flatch                              9. 1954 Milan
  1. Why did Hickory finish their first game with only 4 players on the floor?
  2. What point was Coach Dale trying to make?
  3. Why was Norman Dale suspended from coaching?
  4. How does Ollie save the day in the play-offs?
  5. How does Coach Dale try to calm his team before the championship game?
  6. Describe the first basketball game.  Who, How, When, Rules?
  7. Compare the events of Hoosiers to what really happened to the  Indiana High School basketball team the movie was based on.

Hoosiers Wkst.

2/1 Intro to BXB

Thursday, January 14, 2016

1/14 Franchise Project for the NFL

Sports History—
Franchise Project #1  (Football)

Objective: To trace the origins of a major professional sports franchise to discover the following:
A.    History of the Franchise
B.    History of the Ballpark used by the team.
C.    The players who would make up the Ring of Honor for the Franchise.(At least 5 with bios/profiles included)
D.    Watershed years in the Franchise (Titles Won, Major moves, Major Trades, etc…)
E.     The estimated Financial Worth of the club and who the owner(s) is.  Plus what the estimated cost is to the fan for season tickets—individual game tickets.
F.     Modern History of the Team—Conference/League Season Standings, Off-season acquisitions and/or trades, Rumors of Moves, etc.

In a minimum10 pt. Powerpoint presentation, you will formally present your franchise to the class.  Included in your slides are points A-F in the objectives about your Franchise.    All objective points are worth 5 points.  Accuracy and Delivery are worth 20 pts. (50 pts. Total)

Franchises will be chosen by Random Selection with a first picked, first presented format.


1/12 Bowl Challenge Update / Intro to HS Football

1/11 Modern NFL Assignment

Given the map and the assignment sheet, do:

Part I-- Compare and Contrast SB I to SB L

Part 2--Map Assignment

1/7 Superbowl

SB I documentary

1/5 AFL/NFL Merger

Rebels with a cause