Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9/17-23 Early Baseball

Early Baseball Notes

Main Ideas and Identifications---
Alexander Cartwright
Elysian Fields
Civil War as a catalyst and a deterrent to the development.
Myth of baseball as a pastoral game

Harry Wright
Jim Devlin
William Hulbert
National League
Mike Kelly
Cap Anson
John McGraw
Ban Johnson
Christy Mathewson
A.G. Spaulding
Candy Cummings

9/5-16 Early Sports and Sports in American Society

Sports in American Society--Main Ideas

Finance and Sports
What makes a sport a sport.
Why are sports important in America?
What do young people gain from participation in Sports (tied in w/ Sandlot and the Sandlot Essay)

Early Sports--
How did Sports develop?
Sports throughout the decades in American History.

Early Sports Quiz

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9/4 Opening Day --Welcome to Sports History

Welcome to Sports History.

Intro Question to be answered: Why are sports important in America?